March is Women’s History Month and we are so proud to celebrate women everywhere! More specifically in a country where women physicians are scarce, discrimination and the repression of women’s rights permeates their society. 40 % of our staff in Afghanistan are women. They are mothers, daughters and sisters, all with hopes and dreams.
Thanks to your support, AMOR has been able to provide opportunities for Afghan women to shape their futures through employment at Afshar Hospital. We are fortunate to have a reliable team of qualified Afghan health care professionals. Our staff tirelessly serve mothers, babies and children who are struggling each day to escape the cycle of poverty.
Empowering girls and women is the back-bone of AMOR’s model of care. AMOR hires female Afghan physicians, nurses and educators at every opportunity. We truly believe when we invest in women and their health, communities prosper!
What keeps us inspired? Women who continue to make the world a better place.