Sitting in his chair with his hands over his lap, seven year old Reza tries to peek around his dad in front of him. He’s trying to get a glance at what Dr. Khoshal is quietly writing down in his notepad.
Reza’s eyes are filled with curiosity. He is a friendly, outgoing seven year old who loves going to school. His journey at Afshar Hospital began two years ago, when he was being seen for his recurring seizures.
In the past year, Reza’s seizures became as frequent as once a week, lasting for 30 minutes on average. This caused challenges beyond just his health. The seizures affected Reza’s education, making it tough for the energetic seven year old to attend school and to learn.
Reza’s parents became worried as their son’s seizures worsened. They traveled to several hospitals and clinics in Afghanistan but could not find answers or a treatment. Having exhausted all options, Reza’s father became hopeful when a community member recommended Afshar Hospital in Kabul.
When Reza arrived at Afshar, he was admitted to the pediatric ward for further care and examinations. After comprehensive CT scans and a lab test, Reza was diagnosed with epilepsy, likely a result of neonatal meningitis which went untreated years before.
After developing a treatment plan and talking with Reza’s family, Dr. Khoshal began treating Reza. Hospital staff provided the family with a health education course on what to expect during Reza’s treatment, on the importance of follow ups and on the possible outcomes of the disease. The Afshar Hospital staff ensured that Reza’s family understood the steps that were going to be taken and the potential results.
Reza continued to respond well to the treatments and within a total of ten visits to Afshar, he is now much healthier. His learning ability has significantly improved at school. He continues to be a friendly and thriving seven year old.
Because of treatments and multiple hospital stays, Reza was also given Xango nutrition meal packs. Reza’s family is incredibly thankful for the treatment, health education and care he was given by the caring committed staff at Afshar Hospital. Reza’s father is joyful to see his son healthy again.
Reza is still under treatment and continues to go to Afshar Hospital for follow ups. Reza greets Dr. Khoshal with a wide smile every time he walks through Dr. Khoshal’s office doors. Reza is glad he has a friend in an unlikely place – a hospital.