October 17- International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

Can you imagine living on $1.90 a day?  Currently, 702 million people live below the international poverty line, which is set at $1.90 per day.  To bring attention and inspire action, the United Nations has declared October 17th as the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Ending poverty “in all its forms and dimensions” around the world is a large part of the Millennium Development goals set forth by the United Nations. On a global scale, the amount of those living in poverty is projected to fall just under 10%. On the surface, this sounds like a wonderful statistic. The reality is that 10% of the population amounts to around 702 million people. So what does this mean? This means that 702 million live largely without a voice. International Day for the Eradication of Poverty serves as an outlet for all countries to recognize and acknowledge the existence of these people, and promote the eradication of poverty.

The number – 702 million – for most people is an unimaginable number. AMOR seeks to reduce this number by working on both global and local projects to help those who find themselves with little to no voice. Our cornerstone project, Afshar Hospital, located in Afghanistan, seeks to provide health care services and education to those who would otherwise not have access. Just in 2014: we treated 67,285 patients, we educated 1,800 girls in health, we administered 7,753 vaccinations, and we employed 155 people. All components in the hospital and community services, contribute to the overall wellbeing of those living in the surrounding communities. Our impact is not just about numbers and statistics. AMOR focuses on saving and changing lives to cultivate DIGNITY, EMPOWERMENT, and OPPORTUNITY for the economic, social and culturally diverse families we serve.

AMOR does not only try to bring recognition to those abroad who are in poverty, but also to those in our local community. AMOR intends to launch a project in west Fresno County, in the city of Mendota, to bring attention to those living in our own backyard. Currently in Mendota, close to half of the population lives at or below the poverty line. With the number of civilians per primary care physician being just over the 4,000 mark – health care is essentially inaccessible. With these numbers, the thought of eradicating poverty in this area is almost inconceivable. However, AMOR is attempting to set forth a community center to at least lessen the burden on some of the local families and individuals.

For some, statistics can be difficult to envision. To bring it to a more personal level, we’ll talk about the story of Selina Mendoza. Selina is from west Fresno County and for her and her family, taking time to visit the doctor was not only a 30-minute drive, but also meant that she and her family would lose out on work. The family had only one vehicle and if it was used to go to the doctor, her father, a farmworker, could not go to work.  And if he didn’t go to work, he wouldn’t get paid.  As a result, Selina grew up with limited health resources and rarely was able to see a doctor. She states, “for me, it was growing up in a place where access was always an issue.” Selina and her family’s situation are similar to many families in the areas of west Fresno County. As an organization, AMOR, along with other partnering groups, recognizes this void and is trying to rectify the situation and provide better access. For something so local, these conditions seem as though they cannot be happening, that this must be taking place in another impoverished country. The harsh reality is that this is happening, and the International Day of the Eradication of Poverty seeks to recognize these issues and encourage surrounding communities, organizations, and governments to come together to take action against a common adversary – poverty.

AMOR both recognizes poverty and take steps through its programs to begin to eradicate it. Our organization also strives to create sustainable development in its cornerstone project in Afghanistan, and begin to break ground in a local project that will strive to achieve the same goal. By hiring local personnel, AMOR allows for the community and all its members to strive and become a part of the change.

Find out how you can help by contacting our office [email protected] or click on the DONATE tab at the top of the page, where you can choose to be apart of our local or global project.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Photo Courtesy of Time Inc. Below the Poverty Line: Portraits of American Poverty

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AMOR is a community benefit organization that works strategically with our partners to build healthier communities in areas of concentrated poverty. Whether across the globe in Afghanistan, Ukraine, or in our own backyard of West Fresno County, we increase access to quality, affordable health care and health education.



Mendota, California USA

Kabul, Afghanistan

Donate to AMOR or Your Favorite Project

1306 W. Herndon Ave, Suite 110
Fresno, CA 93711