After conceiving 12 unsuccessful pregnancies, the 13th time was a charm. Anisa delivered a baby boy, which they named Mohammad, in a private hospital in Kabul.
After the birth, Mohammad was faced with many challenges. His medical complications required him to be transferred to Afshar Hospital to receive specialized treatment in the neonatal nursery for pneumonia, sepsis, and cranial hemorrhaging. The staff at Afshar was able to treat the child with transfusions, antibiotics, and provided him with around-the-clock full supportive care. After 17 days of treatment Temor and Anisa were able to take home a healthy baby boy.
It is success stories like these that provide motivation to continue to expand newborn services and increase the level of care that is available at Afshar Hospital. Each piece of equipment and shipment of supplies made possible by your donations support the lifesaving work being done on a daily basis at Afshar Hospital.
Together, we are building healthy communities worldwide! Thank you for your support!