Giving to Make a Difference

Making a positive difference in the life of someone else is one of the most rewarding experiences an individual can have! The gesture may have been as small as sharing your PB&J with a classmate in 3rd grade, but the amazing delight we feel in our hearts when we share what we have brings a smile to our lips and a spring to our step. This feeling repeats itself throughout our lives each time we make a choice to give. What seemed a natural gesture as a child can often become a frustrating decision process as we mature. Who do we give to? What do we give? How often do I give? Where will my gift make the most difference?

When thinking about giving, there are three distinct areas of your life that you can give from; your time, your talent, and your treasure. In the accelerated pace of life, giving of our time seems impossible with all of the other responsibilities that fall onto our plates! When we think of talent our thoughts go towards an actor, artist, athlete, chef or someone else who can “do it better than me!”  Treasure . . . what is treasure? I’m not a Captain Jack!

Let’s first address time. Time is not so much based upon quantity as much as it is quality. Fifteen minutes spent in intimate conversation is far more beneficial to a relationship than an evening spent watching TV together. You may not have the time to volunteer on a weekly or monthly basis, but many organizations hold special events that need volunteers. There are community service organizations that are always looking for volunteers to help in the communities they serve.

Next is our talent. Talent is more than something that we are good at, it is also something that we really enjoy doing! Love to read? Volunteer to read to a class. Reigning champion of your bowling team? Volunteer to take some kids bowling who have never been. Organizations are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute by sharing their talents with others.

Lastly, what about treasure? defines treasure as, “wealth or riches stored or accumulated.” When we read this, the thought that follows is “I don’t have accumulated wealth or riches” and “my little bit can’t change much.” The truth is that the combined total of what is given by many can make a substantial difference in the lives of those who are touched by it. The key to making a difference is in connecting with an organization that is impacting lives and bringing change to the communities it serves. Essentially one that is clear in its mission and that has proven results in the impact it is making.

AMOR understands that each person has a unique combination of these 3 areas and that each individual can use these to make a difference in their community on a local and global scale. With this in mind, AMOR has several ways that you can become engaged with us.

Do you have time available in your schedule or a specific talent you would like to share? Would you like to become involved in the work we are doing? We have opportunities throughout the year where volunteers are needed. Contact our office at [email protected] to find out how you can help.

Want to share your treasure, whether large or small, to create a healthier community? Visit and click the DONATE tab; you can give on a local or global level, or to a specific initiative.

We look forward to connecting with you and together making a difference in the lives of others!

The AMOR Staff

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AMOR is a community benefit organization that works strategically with our partners to build healthier communities in areas of concentrated poverty. Whether across the globe in Afghanistan, Ukraine, or in our own backyard of West Fresno County, we increase access to quality, affordable health care and health education.



Mendota, California USA

Kabul, Afghanistan

Donate to AMOR or Your Favorite Project

1306 W. Herndon Ave, Suite 110
Fresno, CA 93711