An Exciting Update on a Life Saved

An Exciting Update on a Life Saved  

We are so happy to share that Baby Kawsar, who spent 4 weeks in the critical care ward of the neonatal nursery at AMOR’S Afshar Hospital after being born at just 28 weeks of gestation, has grown to be a healthy baby who continues to successfully reach developmental milestones.  

When Kawsar was delivered by emergency C-sectionshe showed signs of respiratory distress as her tiny chest heaved and her oxygen levels fell to 60%. The neonatal team quickly decided to administer the drug Survanta. This life-saving medicine changed the course of Kawsar’s young life and provided hope and peace of mind to her family. Her condition immediately improved. Her oxygen levels reached 96%, and she was placed on Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy for a week.  

Kawsar only weighed 2.8 pounds when she was born, and in 6 short months she weighed a healthy 11 pounds. We are so thankful for the doctors, nurses and medical staff who work tirelessly to ensure that newborns like Kawsar have a chance to live and grow 

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AMOR is a community benefit organization that works strategically with our partners to build healthier communities in areas of concentrated poverty. Whether across the globe in Afghanistan, Ukraine, or in our own backyard of West Fresno County, we increase access to quality, affordable health care and health education.



Mendota, California USA

Kabul, Afghanistan

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1306 W. Herndon Ave, Suite 110
Fresno, CA 93711