It is a joy to hear the heartwarming stories of the patients treated at Afshar Hospital and how the equipment and care provided by the staff is changing lives in Afghanistan. Each patient we save no matter how small is a huge victory; for Kobra and her family, this victory meant the addition of a little boy.
At 30 weeks pregnant Kobra was brought to Afshar Hospital in pre-term labor. The attending physician of the obstetrics department performed an emergency cesarean section due to fetal distress. Kobra’s premature son weighed just 2 lbs 6.8 oz at birth and was diagnosed with immature lungs, respiratory problems and sepsis. He required immediate resuscitation by the expert neonatal team before being transferred to the neonatal nursery. This little guy had quite a fight ahead of him!
The neonatal team rallied around the little boy providing the child with around the clock specialized care; while providing the family with much-needed support through this difficult time. The team’s compassion, dedication, and expertise helped strengthen this little baby boy, who was discharged 26 days later in good condition!
This month Kobra’s little baby boy is celebrating his first birthday! He is a healthy, active little boy, crawling and learning new words. His older sister is happy to have such a healthy little brother. The family is thankful for the Neonatal Team and for the care they provided to their son while he was in the Neonatal Unit.
“The gratitude and appreciation of this family and the other families that we serve, lifts the spirits of our Afshar Neonatal Team and gives them the strength to continue working to save the lives of these precious, vulnerable, and needy babies and their families.” -Mohib, Afshar Hospital’s Administrative Assistant
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